The book Anguish and Salvation to be presented in Sofia

The first public presentation of the book “Anguish and Salvation. The Memory of the Jewish Communities in Rousse, Shumen and Varna” will be held in Sofia, on 10 February 2016, Wednesday, at 17:00, Hall 19 of Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Studies with Ethnographic Museum – BAS, 6A Moskovska Str.

Pametta Front ResThe book is published by by “European Spaces 21” Association. Editor and compiler of the book is Porf. Nikolay Nenov, PhD, Director of Rousse Regional Museum of history. Authors’ texts are included by Beta Haralanova from Shumen Regional Museum and Tatiana Shtereva from Varna Regional Museum.

The collection contains the oral stories of Jewish communities about themselves and their lives in Rousse, Shumen and Varna. The spoken narratives of the interviewed people are organized in eight chapters, corresponding to different anthro­pologic categories. That way, the readers can compare different life experiences and follow the variety of different life stories and realizations in a moment of people’s personal development that is specific and at the same time similar to other people’s lives.

A specific research tool is the use of the visual anthropologic method because it gives a chance to unfold the visual, semiotic and social logic of the discovered photographic collection.

The stories are result from a field research in the spring of 2015. It reflects not only the status of the urban Jew­ish communities in Rousse, Shumen and Varna, it also illuminates the memory about them and describes people and events that are related to that part of the Bulgarian Jews, who now live in the State of Israel. The stories and memories of thirty fellow patriots – 17 women and 13 men – construct an impressive survey area encompassing 27 Bulgarian towns and practically cover the map of the country.

The book will be presented till end February in Rousse, Shumen and Varna.

The online book edition can be seen here.